I just wanted to tell you about a new book we have transcribed and which is now
available in our bookshop. This book contains a transcription of the registers of deaths or burials for Chirnside parish, Berwickshire which are to be found amongst the Kirk Session records for Chirnside parish held by the National Archives of Scotland in Edinburgh.
The main register, Volume 7, commences in January 1817, and the last burial entry in this volume is from August 1841. Another burial register is contained in Volume 8, which commences in August 1841, and we have transcribed until the year 1855, when civil registration of deaths commenced in Scotland.
These entries are not to be found in the Old Parish Registers of Chirnside parish kept by the General Register Office (Scotland) at New Register House in Edinburgh (the burials for Chirnside in the Old Parish Register end in 1815), and it is believed they have not been transcribed or indexed before.
To help you out here is a list of surnames found within the book:
Aitchison; Aitkin; Alexander; Allan; Anderson; Angus; Atchison; Atkin; Ballantine; Balsillie; Begbie; Bell; Bertram; Bird; Black; Blackadder; Blackhall; Blackie; Blair; Bogue; Bonar; Bone; Bowmaker; Broomfield; Brown; Bruce; Brunton; Burns; Cairns; Cameron; Carr; Carse; Carter; Chambers; Clazey; Cleghorn; Clinkscale; Cochran; Cockburn; Cooper; Cossar; Cow; Cowe; Cowie; Cowper; Craig; Cranston; Crawford; Crichton; Crosbie; Crow; Cryghton; Dally; Darling; Davidson; Dawson; Denham; Dickison; Dickson; Dodds; Donald; Donaldson; Dougal; Douglas; Downie; Dryden; Dun; Dunbar; Duncan; Edgar; Edgely; Elder; Elliot; Elliott; Ewart; Ewert; Ferguson; Foord; Ford; Forman; Fortune; Foster; Fuller; Fulton; Galbreath; Geggie; Gibson; Gilbreath; Gillie; Gillies; Gilmour; Girvan; Gray; Grey; Grieve; Gullon; Gutridge; Hailstones; Haliday; Halliday; Hastie; Hately; Hay; Henderson; Hermiston; Heugh; Hewit; Hill; Hills; Hilston; Hogg; Home; Hood; Houliston; Hudson; Hume; Hunter; Hutson; Jamieson; Jeffrey; Johnson; Johnston; Jordan; Kerr; Kinghorn; Kirkaldy; Knox; Laidlaw; Landells; Landreth; Lathem; Lauder; Laurie; Learmont; Leslie; Liddel; Liddle; Lidgate; Lillie; Lindores; Litster; Lockhart; Logan; Lorrain; Lorrains; Luggate; Lunham; Lyal; Macdougal; Mack; Maclaren; Manderson; Mark; Marshall; Martin; Mason; Mather; Maul; McCulloch; McDougle; McGechan; McIndoe; McKay; Mclean; McQueen; Melrose; Middlemis; Miller; Mills; Mitchell; Molle; Neilson; Nelson; Nesbit; Nicholson; Orkney; Ormiston; Palmer; Paterson; Patterson; Paxton; Peacock; Philip; Pilmour; Platt; Polwarth; Ponton; Porteous; Porter; Pringle; Punton; Purves; Ramage; Ramsey; Ray; Redpath; Reid; Renton; Richardson; Robertson; Romanes; Ross; Russel; Russell; Rutherford; Sanson; Scott; Selby; Sett; Shepherd; Sheriff; Shiel; Simpson; Sinton; Smart; Smeaton; Smith; Spark; Spears; Stark; Steel; Steele; Sunderland; Sutherland; Swordy; Taylor; Temple; Third; Thompson; Tod; Todd; Torry; Trotter; Turnbull; Utterson; Valentine; Veitch; Vertue; Vineycomb; Virtue; Voy; Waddel; Wait; Waldie; Ward; Watherston; Watson; Watt; Waugh; Wedderburn; Weir; White; Wilkie; Wilson; Winter; Wood; Wright; Youl; Youls